Friday, August 29, 2008

In the past 2 years...

Where have I been? I've been working... I've been dancing... I've dated (mostly ending in disaster... one even abusive)... I've met new people.. made new friends.. lost a few... life goes on.

I'll attempt to blog about the few significant sparks of interest of whatever I have not blogged about...

Firstly and most importantly, I have to admit... my new found strength stems from an external source. A special someone.. KK... it's been a long time since I've felt this way about anyone.. sure I was in the dating game, but it became excruciating to the point I made it a conscious decision to stop dating anyone. It was unbearable and I wasnt dating anyone I was really interested in...

but KK is different... it took so little and yet KK has so much to offer. It's not so much what KK has to offer but it was the kind of person KK is. KK found me online and we started exchanging msges on a daily basis. My interest was sparked.. who was this person who was captivating me? I would always get excited when I saw KK's msg appear. Soon after, we met up and KK was everything I ever wanted. The perfect fit for the imperfect me. I've found life again in KK, and even though I'm stressed out from other aspects of my life, KK's love is carrying me through. Loving KK came to me like breathing... natural and done unconsciously. The best part is, KK loves me too...

next, I have a nephew and a niece.. both beautiful angels and there's always that fuzzy feeling of love when I see them even if only in pictures.

They're both precious and beacons of innocense and love. I cant help but feel overwhelmed by the feeling of love when I think of them.

In the past year, I've gone to several events. The ones off the top of my head now are Urbanscapes at KLPAC, the Rainforest World Music Festival 2008 in Kuching, the firm trip to Bali and to several plays such as Shanon Shah's Air Con and Gavin Yap's take on Edgar Allen Poe's "The Tell Tale Heart". I'll blog about them separately tho.

As for dance... off late, it's taken a back seat to work and KK. But slowly I'm sorting out my schedule so that I can get back to dance again. Since the last entry I did on the inaugural KL International Dance Fest, I also competed in Singapore at the Lion City Championships, a competition at Shangri-La and the Seremban Superstar something in March.

I bought a new camera. After much consideration and advice from various parties, I decided to get the Panasonic Lumix TZ15. It was purchased in time for my trip to Kuching and also Bali. I absolutely love it. Next on my to buy list are a phone, an external hard drive.. my comp's dead so I've got to send it to a service centre soon... I HOPE I DIDNT LOSE EVERYTHING! *fingers crossed*, a holiday, a plane and maybe one of those mantions in Malibu... wishful thinking...

Anyway, I'll elaborate on everything else so I'll just stop here...

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