Friday, May 16, 2008

The day I donned a nighted colour...

At 0415 on 1st May 2008, Chang Foong Chow, passed away after slipping into a coma during her dylasis treatment. She was 72. She was my Godmother.

She was a beautiful woman who loved me. True, there was a language barrier, but I could feel her love through her actions. I was always special to her, being her Godson. I would always receive that special "ang pow" and have the best food put on plate at the dinner table. She always exuded warmth and I felt a great responsibility and a sense of duty towards her.

She lived a humble life, and until the day she died, my Godfather was still a bus driver desperately trying to support her treatment. My only regret is I could never contribute to it. They lived in a shack. Their water was pumped out of a well. The toilet was a stall located outside the house in the enclosure where the chickens were kept. But still my Godparents are one of the most loving couples I have ever met. They loved each other, and they were warm people. What more can I say? I am lucky to have them as my Godparents.

I am honoured to have had the liberty to wear all black and be considered a kin. Not many people knew who I was and they were suprised to see a third person in all black (aside from my 2 cousins). I guess they figured I was the Godson. The 3 of us would lead all the prayer sessions and the rituals lasted late into the night. But I am glad I was there to fulfill my duties as a Godson. I suppose I do love her. I just hope that she knew that.

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