Friday, May 16, 2008

The day I donned a nighted colour...

At 0415 on 1st May 2008, Chang Foong Chow, passed away after slipping into a coma during her dylasis treatment. She was 72. She was my Godmother.

She was a beautiful woman who loved me. True, there was a language barrier, but I could feel her love through her actions. I was always special to her, being her Godson. I would always receive that special "ang pow" and have the best food put on plate at the dinner table. She always exuded warmth and I felt a great responsibility and a sense of duty towards her.

She lived a humble life, and until the day she died, my Godfather was still a bus driver desperately trying to support her treatment. My only regret is I could never contribute to it. They lived in a shack. Their water was pumped out of a well. The toilet was a stall located outside the house in the enclosure where the chickens were kept. But still my Godparents are one of the most loving couples I have ever met. They loved each other, and they were warm people. What more can I say? I am lucky to have them as my Godparents.

I am honoured to have had the liberty to wear all black and be considered a kin. Not many people knew who I was and they were suprised to see a third person in all black (aside from my 2 cousins). I guess they figured I was the Godson. The 3 of us would lead all the prayer sessions and the rituals lasted late into the night. But I am glad I was there to fulfill my duties as a Godson. I suppose I do love her. I just hope that she knew that.

Thursday, May 15, 2008

Time - Billy Porter

What is time?
Is it the autumn leaves that change?
Or the snow that floats from the sky

What is Time?
Is it the air we breathe?
Or the wings that teach
The new born bird to fly

Who can tell?
I don’t know
Will we change?
Will we grow?

What is time?
Is it eternity
In heaven
Or just a hope for peace on earth

Where’s the time
Gone in a blink of an eye
But with every blink
a birth

We live
We learn
We love
In time
We give
We yearn
We grow

In time

Time for change
Its time to care
It’s not too late
Don’t despair
Reach inside your heart

To find the joy and love
To share with all mankind
For all we know

All we have
Is time

Saturday, May 03, 2008

The little Countess

Presenting.. my little God daughter.. Claire Su-anne T.

Precious! Precious! Precious!