Tuesday, January 24, 2006

Me very long weekend

First, I had that 5 hour coach ride to Liverpool on Friday. I slept at 4 am and had to be out of the house by 7am to catch an 8 am coach. Hence, I was pretty much asleep the entire duration of the journey. They had leather seats though.. real nice...

After sorting out routines, me and my friend went out for dinner. I had the best Wor Tan Hor I've ever had in the UK that night. Really good. Then we walked about... visited a couple of 'touristy' places... went home and started watching dance vids. He kept me up till 5am. ughZ... was up again at 9.15 to practice till 2. Went home and had light lunch, hopped onto the 3.30pm coach and was on my way back to London. Again, I was dead to the world most of the way home.

Sunday. Went to Jill's place. The dance team was having a get together. The girls had a make up workshop and the guys... we made a banner for the London team. After much deliberation, we settled on the TFL logo with the word London as the stop. Was pretty neat. We watched dance videos and had food... I went with 2 bags of crisps. I came home with 4 bags of crisps, doughtnuts and muffins. Not bad eh? Left her place at 11.20pm, arrived at the tube station at 11.30pm. Were informed that we had missed the last tube. Walked to another station, informed the last tube was at 11.21pm. Me, Alison, Finbar, Gabriel and Min Hui went looking for a night bus. Got to the stop and saw two foxes. In London! Must've been scavanging. Anyway, got on the bus and changed at Tottenham Court Road. Took me a full 2 hours to get home. :-S

So that's my weekend in a nutshell. Buzz for further details.

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